Bold is a platform created to connect people, locals and travelers, through outdoor activities. It helps you find nearby events, group activities, or your next adventure, making it easier to mingle, meet new people and dive deep into the local culture and geography. Bold was built around the vision that nature is a source of boundless inspiration and that spending time outdoors is crucial for a balanced and healthier life. Bold is a young company that believes traveling should not be driven by consumerism or trendy places on social media. There is inspiration in every corner of this world, but great memories don't need to be mediated by expensive experiences.


The Brand Concept

Pilled-up rocks are commonly seen on seashores, along rivers, or on rocky landscapes worldwide. Helping humans move from one place to another, stacked stones were often used in the wild as navigational signs to point to the correct path. They are common around many world cultures and have been built for thousands of years. Stacked stones mark a path but also have a deep spiritual meaning. There is beauty in balancing the deep time of geology with the brevity of human time in a stone. That’s a profound connection to make. It’s about human passage and the transience of life.

Inspired by the notion that solutions to our modern problems possibly already exist in nature, I developed a visual identity based on stones as key elements to represent all that is simple and natural, playing with the concept of balance. By adopting a bold monolithic typography that resembles little stacked pebbles I created a simple but meaningful icon that embodies the company name and represents its core values at the same time. The logo characters put together on top of each other symbolize life encounters and a construction made of different but essentially equal elements – such as we human beings – that can overcome differences to create something meaningful together. Creativity, curiosity, and playfulness are symbolized by the many possibilities the structure can assume and, finally, when the stone pile is completed, the satisfaction of reaching balance in nature.


The Challenge

In a world where social media plays an important but mixed role in our lives, Bold invites you to disconnect to genuinely connect with the world outside. Bold’s brand identity is all about the importance of appreciating nature and discovering ways to connect with it, yourself, and others. It’s about allowing yourself to be present in the moment, strengthening your self-esteem, and investing more time in your wellbeing. It doesn't have to be a fancy escape and you don't even have to go far. My mission as a designer was to create a brand identity that is inspirational, playful, and resounds that sense of contentment, joy, and balance when you open yourself to the world. 

Bold team is driven by a sense of friendship, community, curiosity and respect for the environment, bringing people together to discover amazing places and create positive connections. The platform also provides important information about the National Parks you want to visit, travel tips and recommendations about campsites, hostels and other options of accommodation near you.

"Vou mostrando como sou
E vou sendo como posso
Jogando meu corpo no mundo
Andando por todos os cantos
E pela lei natural dos encontros
Eu deixo e recebo um tanto
E passo aos olhos nus
Ou vestidos de lunetas
Passado, presente
Participo sendo 
o mistério do planeta"

– Novos Baianos

Project: Bold
Type: Brand Identity
Year: 2023

Graphic Design, Naming, Video and Tone of Voice: 
Fernando Rodrigues (

curated by Fernando Rodrigues with especial thanks 
and credits to the Unsplash community (in order of appearance)

Karsten Winegeart (@karsten116)
Sophia Richards (@sophiaa.richards)
Ivan Rudoy (@toogoodtobeslow)
Greg Rosenke (@greg.rosenke)
Nathan Dumlao (@nate_dumlao)
Tommy Lisbin (@tlisbin)
Katie McBroom (@katiemcboom)
Maël BALLAND (@mael_balland)
Katie Rodriguez (@katertottz)
Nicolás Encina (@nickoencina)



